윌 라이트 - the soul of the Sims

2008.02.15 19:25

단장 조회 수:2671 추천:354

http://www.donhopkins.com/drupal/The Soul of The Sims, by Will Wright
Submitted by dhopkins on Sun, 2008-02-10 21:25. The Sims C Game Design Downloadable Software
The Soul of The Sims, by Will Wright
Macintosh HD:XmotiveHarness:src/Motive.c
Tuesday, January 28, 1997 / 9:25 AM
This is the prototype for the soul of The Sims, which Will Wright wrote on January 23, 1997.

I had just started working at the Maxis Core Technology Group on "Project X" aka "Dollhouse", and Will Wright brought this code in one morning, to demonstrate his design for the motives, feedback loop and failure conditions of the simulated people. While going through old papers, I ran across this print-out that I had saved, so I scanned it and cleaned the images up, and got permission from Will to publish it.

This code is a interesting example of game design, programming and prototyping techniques. The Sims code has certainly changed a lot since Will wrote this original prototype code. For example, there is no longer any "stress" motive. And the game doesn't store motives in global variables, of course.

My hope is that this code will give you a glimpse of how Will Wright designs games, and what was going on in his head at the time!


윌 라이트가 직접 작성한 코드.
올린이는 맥시스에서 일했던 돈 홉킨스라는 아저씨.
심즈의 모든 시작은 이 소스 하나에서 출발했다고 한다.
지금 시점에서 프로토타이핑이란 게 별 것 아닐 수 있지만
사실 10년 전만 하더라도 기본 사상과 설계의 개념을 소스로 직접 표현한다는 건 드문 일이었다.

거장과 천재라는 소리를 동시에 듣는 윌의 코드를 직접 본 것만으로도 영광이다 -0-;;;

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